salt & straw brand id's
"ice cream that creates experiences that connect us all"
I have always felt that ice cream has this magical power to heal, create memories, and bring people together. Salt & Straw is one of the leading ice cream brands on having people believe in the magic of ice cream. Creating these Brand ID resolves, I wanted to emulate the feeling someone gets when they eat a really great scoop of ice cream.

Brand Style Guide

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Brand Style Guide

Cherry on top
Not only does this project mean a great deal to me because it is for my favorite ice cream company, but this was also my very first piece in After Effects and as a motion designer. From the start, I really fell in love with branding and creating moments and ID's that showcase a brand and who they are. I really wanted to push myself and grow as an individual seeing this was my very first project in my very first motion media class. Overall, this project really was a jump start into my love for motion design and branding. And most of all, I am so glad I got to showcase my love for ice cream.
Designed, Created, Animated: Jeannine Mari
Audio: Instrumental Hard Times by Paramore